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under 3 weeks till Memphis Area Plant Swap 1.5

15 years ago

Just a reminder that on Saturday 01-NOV-2008, there will be a gathering of like minded folks, for the purpose of cleaning out the root cellars, potting sheds, and seed baskets.

But more importantly for socializing, consumption of various food items (what ever you bring to share), and general good-natured frivolity.

Spouses, significant others, family, friends, relatives, crazy Aunt Marge that was 23 cats, your kids, the neighbors kids, mutant spawn, all are welcome!!! (Or if you just need some "me time" leave them home.)

Location is:

Good Shepard U.M.C.

6050 Summer Avenue

Memphis, TN

Begin Time: morning

Lunch Time: yes

End Time: after morning

If the weather is nice, we'll be outside at the picnic tables between the two out-buildings.

If it's not so nice we'll be inside the yellow out-building.

Please feel free to park on the grass field between the out-building and the parsonage, just like this past spring... I'll have some stakes in the ground and yellow police tape directing you where to park.

I will begin serving a, free-for all, pancake breakfast at 0700!!! And I have some wonderful Dew-Berry and Watermelon preserves from the (not-so-local) Amish community in Three Oaks, TN. (70 Miles South of Nashville)

Also on the church grounds on, happening on the same day is our semi-annual rummage sale in the gymnasium. So, if you have any stuff that is cluttering your attic, basement, garage, spare closets, etc. that is too good to throw away but you'd like to get rid of, haul it along with you. ALL DONATIONS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE! There will be people on hand to unload your car, truck, or moving-van. So, time to clear all that clutter!

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