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Spacings...come one, come all and lay it in the square

15 years ago

ok, so you technically lay it on the line and not in square, but it works.

Ya'll have all graciously shared pictures of your gardens and methods and I know you all tend to differ in exactly how you space things. There's tons of threads in the past that I've seen that mention one thing or another,but I'm just looking to get it all in one place for future reference. Ok, so I'm actually just stressing about my added 90 sq ft for next year b/c the man looked at the plan, saw blank sqfts and made a comment about making the boxes smaller, so I'm trying to justify myself in the size but not wanting to over do it so I get nothing like this fall when everything shadded out whatever was around it. *sigh*

We all know the exact spacings as recomended in the book, and please don't shoot me for being sacreligious and suggesting otherwise, but what works for some doesn't work for all. Your guidance and your experience is invaluable

I REALLY want to plant broccoli 1/ft, but with the low light I get, everything just gets shadded out. I'm worried the same will happen to peppers and eggplants etc. so I've staggared them.

So....what are your spacings per veggie plant/seed in your garden? Most particularly if I can ask: bush tomatoes, soybeans, peppers, eggplant, okra.

Thank you for playing

The end,


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