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The Spring 2011 East Tennessee Plant Swap is Tomorrow!!!

brandon7 TN_zone7
12 years ago

Just in case anyone has missed the notices and discussions, the Spring 2011 East Tennessee Plant Swap is tomorrow, Saturday, 28 May 2011. Setup begins at 9:30, swapping at 10:00, lunch will start at 11:30, and the feature presentation will be at noon.

Mike Cruze from Cruze Naturescape Consulting will be there to give a presentation. Some of you may have seen his Knoxville garden on HGTV.

Also, don't forget about the potluck lunch. We have some really awesome cooks. Bring something picnic-y. And, it would be a good idea to bring your own drinks.

Everything from annuals to trees (some pretty neat trees, I might add) and from gardening tools to extra pots. All that's required for attendance is a big smile, but small donations to cover our internet and park reservation will be greatly appreciated.

Here is a link that might be useful:
