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Rose of Sharon Invasiveness

17 years ago

I recently received a whole bunch of Rose of Sharon seeds. I planted them and then decided to see just how invasive they are supposed to be. After doing a Google search, I am led to believe that they are highly invasive by seedlings in this area. Has anyone else grown these or found this to be true? Should I throw them out before they take over?

I was also wondering if anyone had any ideas about where to get cuttings of some of the sterile cultivars such as 'Aphrodite', 'Ardens', 'Diana', 'Helene', 'Jeanne d'Arc', 'Minerva', 'Morning Star', or 'Peaonyflorus'. I saw a number of nurseries that sold these cultivars as larger shrubs or small trees, but all I want are babies and I don't want to have to get a second mortgage on the house.

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