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just getting started ( part 7)

Serenasyh, you concentrate on your insurance problem & other issues, we will talk about garden stuff another time.

Hang in there and stand up for yourself!

Our prayers are with you!



"Sorry, Jim! I haven't been online hardly at all! and have gotten so little sleep. I had some sudden freelancing design rush-deadlines, and am really battling my car insurance, one lady is so nice (the one estimating my car) the other lady is really, really mean-spirited (the one investigating the case)! Jim I'm in big trouble, I truly hope the police report will convince that insurance person that I was completely not at fault. She wants to blame me as being partially responsible because I was "the reckless one" for swerving too much when the speeding car ran into my lane and that I over-reacted and thus lost control of my car. Can you believe this???? I am both horrified and worried about my insurance raising my premium. It is so unjust. I had to swerve because I was trapped between 2 cars, the speeding car and the innocent driver to my immediate left. Had I not swerved, the other driver would have been hit, and it was because of my swerving both cars emerged unscathed. The police report has to be solid enough to assign the blame totally on the driver that fled the scene and not on me. I am sick with worry about this incident. I have a lot of stress right many financial worries."

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