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just getting started (part9)

Well, I went out this morning and I saw NO new rose slug damage, so, that is a good sign that the Safers Insecticide Soap may have worked!

From what I understand is the Sawfly lays eggs on the leaves, then the slug larvae that hatches eats the leaves.

The rose slugs we have can produce up to 6 generations per season.

KARL just informed me via e-mail that the sawfly is a

beneficial insect. What a twist! So, I will only bother the rose slugs when they start causing major damage here late in the season.


Comments (27)

  • serenasyh
    14 years ago

    Hurrrrray! but I do think you will definitely find it very effective; lots of people really like this insecticide! and what's great is it is benign to earthworms, ladybugs and bees. That's why I don't even like messing around with neem oil. The organic neem oil is not benign to bees even though it is benign to other beneficial insects. The only tough thing tough to kill Jim is the dreaded Japanese beetles. I am thinking one of these days we need to invest in Milky Spore before those nasty things ever hit our garden. I'd get it as soon as my finances stabilize.

    JIM, DON'T FORGET TO APPLY IN-BETWEEN RAINS or even when there is a mid-day break in the rains! Insecticidal soap will wash away with rain. That is the only disadvantage this insecticide has.

    Jim, I forgot to tell you in one of your other threads that the holes you were seeing were not! from the leaf cutter bee. A leafcutter bee always!!!! makes a complete, perfect circle and not a lopsided oval type of shape and it never! cuts multiple shape after shape after shape. What you'll get is a sudden circular shape in just one leaf and just a few shapes widely scattered across the bush-instead of grouped together. You see a sawfly will often make a circl-ish type of shape but it is lopsided and the holes are very close together and as you noticed it will keep eating and eating and eating.

    Karl has a different type of sawfly than you do!!!! There are several different kinds of sawfly. Only one or two kinds are beneficial/predatory. And it's the nasty adults which lay the eggs anyway, so I say it's fine to get rid of them.

  • jim1961 / Central Pennsylvania / Zone 6
    Original Author
    14 years ago

    Just nuke them bad boys, you say!(LOL) Not raining today yet, just cloudy. Sprayed very early this morning since it wasn't raining. I didn't see anymore damage, so, they may already be belly up.

    Not sure what those holes in Afton are then. Early in summer I watched a leaf cutter take a bite out of Afton, so , I just assumed the other damage was leaf cutters.

  • serenasyh
    14 years ago

    yeah, LOL! nuke those little monsters! Jim, sometimes those other holes are from grasshoppers. Also certain types of rose slugs can also make circlish kinds of holes but are much sloppier about it than the leaf-cutter bee. Leaf cutters usually take only a few scatterings of holes to drag to their nest and then they leave you completely alone. They're not at all like the insatiable rose slug!

    By the way, I'm in the process of sending Sue and Ray another bouquet but haven't yet written out any full message yet...I'm still thinking it through...

  • jim1961 / Central Pennsylvania / Zone 6
    Original Author
    14 years ago

    Here's the funny thing, Grasshoppers are just now showing up here in numbers. They are hopping everywhere now. Next it will be the attack of the giant grasshoppers. (LOL)
    Who opened Pandora's Box? (LOL)

    I visited your get well thread.


  • jim1961 / Central Pennsylvania / Zone 6
    Original Author
    14 years ago

    I'm kinda of kicking myself in the butt right now. Rememember I got rid of that rose Loves Magic which was planted on the rock? One I transplanted & it died?

    Well, I just seen a nice shot of the whole rose bush on
    Anyhow, I pre-ordered another one from Heirloom Roses along with Judy Garland.
    If Platinum gives me more cane problems, I'll slap him down and put Loves Magic in his place (LOL)


  • jim1961 / Central Pennsylvania / Zone 6
    Original Author
    14 years ago

    Our prayers are with your wife Harold & also for you!

    RU sent me an e-mail & highly recommended Loves Magic as a good rose. They love there Kordes roses.
    I already ordered 1 from Heirloom, i'm going to order another one from RU. One may replace Platnum & i'll grow one in a large container.


  • serenasyh
    14 years ago

    Jim,I love your Platinum's look! I bet it will do wonderful, just give it some time and feed, feed, feed it! when any rose struggles I keep liquid feeding it until late, late, late. And be sure to get that Elmer's Glue to protect Platinum. My Frederick Mistral keeps on growing like a late-starter Energizer Bunny on me! I bet next year it will do wonderful instead of this nasty year. I can't wait for the second onslaught of leaves (right now there's multiple pineaple sprouts). Instead of flushes of blooms it's having "flushes" of leaves, haha! Today is my sea tea feeding day, hurray for Gardenville!

    That dratted rain keeps plastering us. I am very concerned because I can only go one day of not playing frisbee with Eluane in the backyard in between fungicide applications and am praying that none of that Mancozeb drifts into the backyard. The rain and the hired lawn mowers likewise might spread out that mancozeb too, which is worrisome. A border collie without frisbee will go crazy. They are very energetic dogs and need lots of room to run. That's why agility practice is so important for us too. Our competitions are also this Friday and Sunday. I am hoping she gets a placing (ribbon). I would love for her to get 1st place, but that may be way too ambitious. She is such a fast dog, but I am worried about her being consistent at hitting her contact zones (paws have to hit the yellow markings for certain obstacles) and also about my ability to memorize the course. She needs to qualify twice in one day to be able to move up to Excellent level as well. Either would be a dream for me. There are all these rules for dog agility championships. No thanks to the accident, I am worried about my memory (since the accident, I've been a bit sluggish-harder for me to memorize the course). This is Eluane's 2nd trial competition. She will be competing on Friday and Sunday. Unfortunately AKC trials come closer to Kansas City only about 3x a year. She doesn't have much chances to move up a level.

    So how is the insecticidal soap working out?

    thanks for asking about my back pain, etc. It still aches a little on the right side but the knee is much better. Contusions are fading and I am no longer hobbling around. Can't quite run on it, but I can do a faster walk! Luckily Eluane is so good with her verbal long distance commands, I can send her ahead of me and direct her by calling out instructions. Think of a shepherd. A shepherd will work with his Border Collie long distance. I do the same with her.

  • jim1961 / Central Pennsylvania / Zone 6
    Original Author
    14 years ago

    Platinum will stay as long as he behaves himself. (LOL)
    I have elmers glue here.
    The Mancozeb label says something about keeping workers out of the sprayed area for 24hrs. Is that on your label?
    We got lucky with the rain here, we hardly got any all week. The weather reports were wrong.
    Eluane must love what she's doing. Speedy Gonzales. (LOL)
    Glad to hear your pain has eased up!


  • phatboyrose
    14 years ago

    JIM just wanted to thank you and everybody for your prayers and kind thoughts. The doctors all say that my wife is progressing real good. She is still in ICU and will probably be in there for a another day or two.LOL LOL

    Serena; I'm glad to here that your back is better and your knee sounds like its doing better also that's real good.LOL LOL

  • serenasyh
    14 years ago

    Harold, I wrote in my butterfly thread too that I am so happy to hear your wife is doing better! Harold, also let us know her name too! currently when I talk to the good Lord I keep saying Harold with the big, big roses on the Rose Forum and his wonderful wife-- she is having bypass surgery and is now in the ICU and so I keep saying LOL! even while I'm driving down the road!

    Jim, hee-hee, Platinum is behaving himself. It's those dratted sawflies that are wreaking havoc with his canes--I'm willing to bet!

    Harold and Jim, I will still be thinking of your wives even on my way down to the trials on Friday and Sunday! You can bet on it! I will be also praying for Ray too, but will mention that on the butterfly thread to Karen.

    Jim, perhaps what I am triply crossing my fingers on is that no news is good news with Sue's MRI and that they still haven't found anything worrisome to report. Anyway, I will keep on checking!

  • jim1961 / Central Pennsylvania / Zone 6
    Original Author
    14 years ago

    Your welcome Harold, but, i'm just glad your wife is doing ok!
    I'll nuke those dratted sawflies! (LOL)
    No news yet on Sues MRI, so, everything must be ok, we are figuring.


  • jim1961 / Central Pennsylvania / Zone 6
    Original Author
    14 years ago

    I saved those blackspot leaves I took off Platinum & Courageous and put them in a plastic air-tight bag awhile back.
    Reason I did that was because they looked somewhat different from the leaves of our neighbors blackspotted rose leaves.

    Well, my friend took our leaves over to Penn State where he works. They put them under a microscope and found out it was NOT Blackspot on our leaves.
    I just couldn't figure out why it wasn't spreading.
    Now I know. (LOL) We never had blackspot.

  • jim1961 / Central Pennsylvania / Zone 6
    Original Author
    14 years ago

    Well serenasyh, it's been raining here all day today, but, the temps are in the 50's. Feels very chilly!

    Harold, how is your wife doing?


  • serenasyh
    14 years ago

    hmmm, Jim, so what did they say it was??? lucky you! no blackspot. Mine is nasty, nasty BL***blughy!!! Jim you know what's so strange. Lincoln is supposed to be susceptible to the Bl***byucky. But both are the strongest roses in my garden. Also what's weird is the Lincoln that is surrounded by scented geraniums is completely! pristine. The side of the Aromatherapy that touches the geraniums are likewise pristine. I wonder if the scented geraniums give off an odor that blackspot is not fond of. Usually Bl***byucky loves to infect the lowermost leaves first where it's crowded dense and dark. The scented geraniums surround my thickly clustered dark foresty Lincoln. There's no Bl***byucky to be found anywhere! I asked Karl about this, but he probably thinks it's just a kooky guess. Next year I'm going to do an experiment and plant a whole bunch of scented geraniums near my roses and see what happens.

  • jim1961 / Central Pennsylvania / Zone 6
    Original Author
    14 years ago

    I have never heard of plants that can repel blackspot or any other fungus disease. Their has be another reason for it. Got to be. (LOL) Some plants however can repel insects.

    What we had on our roses was no fungus diseases. But, they could not identify exactly what is was on the leaves. They told me not to worry about it.

    How did Eluane do in her trails today?

  • phatboyrose
    14 years ago

    JIM, my wife , Adele is improving somewhat her heart rate is still alittle higher than it should be; but all in all she doing good. She is still in ICU for another day or two. How"s your wife coming along with her treatments,I hope well. I'm keeping everyone in my prayers Sue Ray,Serena , and Karen. Got to try and get to sleep.
    GOD BLESS each and everyone.

  • jim1961 / Central Pennsylvania / Zone 6
    Original Author
    14 years ago

    Harold, glad to hear Adele is doing somewhat better. She is still in our prayers. Get some sleep! (LOL)
    name all the plants you have planted around your Lincolns.

    I can find NO research that says having plants around roses helps with blackspot.
    BUT, some companion plants can repel insects, and sometimes help another plant grow better.
    Which could make a plant healthier to fight off fungus diseases.

  • jim1961 / Central Pennsylvania / Zone 6
    Original Author
    14 years ago



  • serenasyh
    14 years ago

    Bless, Harold to you and Adele! I have been thinking of you and Adele all day; at 4:00 p.m. I am going to see if I can get more bouquet/garden photos as well for Sue, Adele and Karen. It's September however! Next year I'm going to be sure to go in June, instead, to get the prettiest ones for Sue, Adele and Karen.

    I may not have any time to write later tonight, Jim, because I have to pack stuff into my Mom's car for Eluane's next trial competition, rearrange my finances, and all the headaches of trying to find a good car replacement.

    We had a very disappointing trial in that I wanted Eluane so much to be able to qualify. If she had qualified, she would have gotten her ribbon because she is! such a speedy dog. Was sort of hoping to have a turn around of luck and get some sort of good luck, finally. But alas! we will have to keep dreaming and hoping for this. If not on Sunday then we will have to wait for November when the next trials come.

    Jim my ground-planted roses are surrounded by thyme, oregano, thick clustered meadow sage (2 different kinds) Gigantic Nasturtiums, lavender and Gigantic Scented Geraniums. The roses have very little BS to them, but it's still BS so I am thinking that the other companion plants don't do anything at all. It's only the Gigantic scented geraniums that surround that one Lincoln that may be protecting it. Lincoln is rated susceptible so why it hasn't succumbed yet, is definitely unusual. Yes, I do! know that herbs are only supposed to repel certain insects (aphids). But I just thought it was weird that the one Lincoln is completely pristine out of all my backyard roses. The only thing different is that it is the one plant that is surrounded by the scented geraniums. It's just wild guessing on my part. If that Lincoln ever gets BS it will negate my theory. I'm just guessing so far...

    Hurray, for brave Bonfire! looks like the Insecticidal Soap saved its bud from being destroyed by those nasty sawfly larvae. Those larvae would have completely eaten up that "juicy" beautiful flower.

  • jim1961 / Central Pennsylvania / Zone 6
    Original Author
    14 years ago

    Sue gets her MRI results on Monday.
    Good luck with Eluane's trails!


  • serenasyh
    14 years ago

    I am sooooo, soooo happy, thrilled beyond words! I am also very very exhausted. LOL! I will write later tonight too. On my way to trials I was also busy praying for Harold, Adele, you and Sue too and here and there during the trials. But I also had to ask the Good Lord to forgive me for the haphazard random/timings of my prayers as well. It is very difficult for me to memorize a course because I have a certain learning disability. So the prayers were a bit scattered in timing. I realize Adele is still in the hospital so I know it's important to keep those prayers up and you too will find out the MRI results this Monday. Ray has got a few interim days left that I hope the cancer will be at a standstill up to the time it's treated so I'm definitely trying to get everything all thought up. And am praying, praying praying for you all.

    Yesterday I was quite disappointed in the Loose Park roses. I was expecting unique different kinds of roses, but instead I found the garden was swamped with one of my most hated, scentless roses, LOL--Queen Elizabeth! And the other sections had just ordinary typical roses. But one thing I did love was its Lincolns. I smelled Gertrude Jekyll and a few other Austins, but my Mom agreed with me, LOL! that Lincoln indeed was the best smelling rose in the entire garden. Hahahaha!

  • jim1961 / Central Pennsylvania / Zone 6
    Original Author
    14 years ago

    I have an doctor appt. tomorrow morning to set a date for my colonosipy. Not looking forward to that. (LOL)

    Sues doctor appt. is early afternoon.

    Did Eluanes trails go ok?

    Well, at least you got to smell Lincolns at Loose Park Roses. (LOL)


  • jim1961 / Central Pennsylvania / Zone 6
    Original Author
    14 years ago


  • serenasyh
    14 years ago

    Jim, hee-hee, looks like you missed out on part of my message. If you look at the title of my reply is says, "Praise Christ! Eluane got her 1st Place Ribbon at AKC Agility T" but it cut off the words, it should read 1st Place Ribbon at AKC Trials. I will soon post a photo on my lumpy garden thread with a photo of Eluane sitting very proudly on her chair (September 13). It's so funny how she loves having her photo taken once she started having to vie for my attention with me taking photos of the roses...I am still so happy, thrilled and grateful to the Lord for helping us win this trial.

    Jim, I will be checking back today to see how Sue's appointment is going...How I am hoping there will be good news...Keeping my fingers triple-crossed!

    Ugh, poor you, colonoscopies are no fun. Drinking all that liquid is so nasty. My Dad has to go through those every couple of years and my Mom always has to fight with my Dad. He can be quite stubborn and he hates drinking all that stuff and will try to shortchange drinking the entire thing. LOL! I feel sorry for my Mom in having to do that huge argument kind of thing. That would drive me beserk; I'd be losing my temper too. It is so uncomfortable to have to drink all that but what has to be done has to be done. Instructions are instructions.

  • jim1961 / Central Pennsylvania / Zone 6
    Original Author
    14 years ago

    Yes, I missed your message in the title. (LOL)
    Congratulations to Eluane! Awesome!

    Sues MRI results came out good! Nothing to worry about!

    I have to have a double-header at the end of October.
    Scope test down my throat and a colonosipy. (YIKES!)(LOL)


  • serenasyh
    14 years ago

    Hurrray, Jim! I am so happy about Sue! I am going to keep praying for her to that she will be so much better next year and the next and the next!!!!

    and thanks so much for your good wishes for Eluane. We've had such a tough year and the Good Lord and your well-wishes have helped us!

    Ouch Jim, so painful. My Dad had several polyps that could have developed into cancer. All of them were removed but he still has to keep doing those colonoscopies every 3 years.

    I am going to email you about Karen's Ray...

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