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Strybing/ SFBG salvias

13 years ago

I bought a plant called Salvia "Sims elegans" from the latest Strybing sale, and was told it means "similar to S. elegans." I am not so sure this is a S. elegans... could it be S. cinnabarina? It is upright (nearly 4 feet tall), has a woody base, and not much scent. The flowers do look like S. elegans. The foliage shape is similar, but more elongated on the "Sims". What else could it be?

Also, as I've posted before, their S. pulchella is completely different from the one sold at UCB Botanical. UCB's is S. univerticillata (though they call it pulchella), and the closest I can find to Strybing's is S. grewiifolia, from Robin's site. Anyway, I finally found a few seeds on it! Could be "the real" S. pulchella??

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