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Sansevieria trifasciata clipping or seed help requested!

12 years ago

I have come upon this site many times when looking for various plant related information. Now that I need specific members help with an experiment I am attempting, I have created an account. I wish to thank anyone who reaches out to help. I would also like to say that the site itself is wonderful.

About the experiment:

I am a college student living in Columbus, Ohio. My apartment is rather small and air tight. In the colder months I would go for long periods without opening the windows. The heater in the apartment is a gas unit that surely is not helping with the air purity. Looking to alleviate or at least help with purity issues I found a study done by NASA in which they documented the use of indoor plants as air purifiers.

According to NASA one of the top contenders for the purification of Benzene, Formaldehyde, and Trichloroethylene was Sansevieria trifasciata. With that information I set out to collect six of these plants, two for each room. Then I ran into an issue.

Not only is Sansevieria of any kind seemingly impossible to find seeds for online, even cuttings seem hard to come by unless you know someone with the plant. This requirement is where you come in.

I am looking for any members willing to give or sell me some of their precious Sansevieria trifasciata cuttings or (less likely) seeds. I need enough to successfully raise 6 plants so there must be some sort of margin for error(meaning I will likely need more than 6 cuttings). If you have a plant and can help or have any tips as to where I can find a plant, please let me know. Thank you for your time and help.

NASA article for those interested(PDF Format):

For those who might ask, "Out of all of the plants listed why the Sansevieria?" for a few reasons.

1. Long life span

2. Ability to survive abuse(not that I will abuse it, but knowing it will not die easily is comforting)

3. Low light requirements

4. Minimal watering therefore lower humidity levels and lower likelihood of producing mold.

5. The physical appearance of the plant is pleasing

Here is a link that might be useful: NASA experiment with indoor air purity using plant filtration

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