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California Native Sage Festival--March 22 at RSABG

Hi All,

I thought members of this forum would be interested in this event. It is being held at my local botanic garden, Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden in Claremont, CA (91711) on March 22. RSABG is a California native plant garden and so you can see many of our natives growing in the plant communities one may also be lucky enough to see in the wild. The garden is comprised of 86 acres! Below is a listing of some of the salvia that RSABG grows.

I am a sage lover myself (and of course want to grow even more!). Some of my recent purchases from the garden's on site nursery include 4 S. dorii Gayle Nielson which has bloomed beautifully since November--a great salvia in local conditions. Another superb one in these parts is S. eremostachya. Smells wonderful and has sparkly leaves.

Here's a brief excerpt from the below link:

"March 22, 2014, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Claremont, California

Free Admission for all this day as part of our Spring Open House.

Experience the scents, sights, and flavors at this new Garden event celebrating California native Salvias.

Check out sage vendors, try a sample of some sage-inspired culinary delights, enjoy a free workshop, listen to music and get sage advice (of course!)

Check back often as we build this list of participants and activities.

20 Minute Workshops in the California Courtyard:

10:30 Sages for the Garden - Antonio Sanchez
11:30 Indigenous Californian uses of sage for medicine - Nicholas Hummingbird Hernandez
12:30 Sages for the Garden - Antonio Sanchez
1:30 Indigenous Californian uses of sage for medicine - Nicholas Hummingbird Hernandez"

The article mentions sage vendors, but I don't see any listed yet. I'm hoping 3 of my favorites, Flowers by the Sea, Las Pilitas, and Moosa Creek will come......


Here is a link that might be useful: RSABG Native Sage Festival, March 22

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