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I'm so excited! My first "burrito" attempt worked!

10 years ago

Yesterday was the two week mark for my first attempt at rooting cuttings with the so-called "burrito" method. I've been wanting to try it ever since I read Grandmothers_rose's 2011 post about it a few weeks ago. I'd never really heard of this method before, but it looked so simple, I figured why not give it a try? I want to grow more florist roses, and I've tried rooting them the old way of potting the cuttings up with either plastic baggies over them or a 2litre bottle. Only had minimal success. Florist roses are not very easy to root.

So, two weeks ago, I went to Safeway to their florist dept and found a lovely pink blend rose called SWEETNESS, and used it for my first try. I almost got a second one to try, but decided to wait and see if this works. To be perfectly honest, I was kinda skeptical. But I tried it, and yesterday when I unrolled the first burrito, I was shocked and excited to see most of the cuttings had nicely calloused ends and the budeyes were swelling!

I had to go run to the store to get some plastic cups to pot them up in, and figured I'd go to Safeway again to see what batch of roses they had and was going to try 2 more. I was sooo jazzed and couldn't wait to see what they had. I thought they'd have maybe a few nice varieties left, being Sunday. Well, they had tons of roses, only they were all either ones I already have or ones I didn't like or want. So many reds and plain yellows. Ugh! So will have to wait a few days and see if they get anything interesting in.

Here's how the cuttings looked:

I made 24 cuttings, and 18 worked! The other 6 had turned black on the bottoms. I can't wait to see them sprout, grow and eventually bloom. I think I'm going to try at least one batch every week if I can. This is sooo cool!!

Here's the bouquet of SWEETNESS roses before I cut them up:

(my cat Lola had fun chewing up the flowers!)

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