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Medicinal uses of chili peppers...'recipes' anyone?

I treated my sore hand (gripped too hard for too long while weed pulling, I guess) with a purchased creme containing capsicum oleoresin. Sounds alot like chili pepper chemicals and it burns mouth, eyes, etc. just like hot peppers. Has anyone used peppers themselves to make pain relieving cremes for aches and pains of muscles or joints? If so, what's your recipe?

How about any other medicinal uses for your peppers. We often cook up something hotter than our usual rather mild foods when we have stuffy noses and it usually helps alot. Surely, some of you have "cures" that beat our simple method.

I've also seen some heath claims relating to hot peppers and cholesterol, blood pressure, etc. Anyone have reliable info on health benefits from hot peppers?

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