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Just Want To Speak Off-Tropic For a Moment

20 years ago

Hello All:

Since I'm the lone representative in the tropical/subtropical department of the Garden Restoration forum, I thought I'd ask a few questions to my fellow posters, most of whom are in more temperate climes being smothered by snow and ice at the moment. This came up in the Tropicals Forum with regards to plants.

Basically my questions are these: when you hear the words "tropical garden," what do you conjure up? Oversized plants that have turned into triffids and are taking over? Is it lush greenery run amok that turns to brown mush when temperatures hit 50F? Is it a garden with guavas, mangoes, and bananas instead of apples, pears, and cherries? Or is it a garden of pristine beauty, swaying palm fronds and exotic blooms with hints of the aroma of frangipani and cinnamon in the air?

An additional thought . . .for those of you who've been fortunate enough to travel to a subtropical climate (south and central Florida or southern California) or tropical one (Hawaii or Puerto Rico), do the gardens meet your preconceptions and why? And lastly, what do you like about them and what do you dislike?

Obviously, every question need not be answered, but I wanted to give you some points to consider in your replies. Let the discussions commence and ahead warp factor 6.



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