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Question about newly pruned Nebel's Gold plumeria.

Andrew Scott
13 years ago

I have a Nebel's Gold plumeria that i have had now for about 4 years. I only had it form inlfos once and the flower buds never opened. They didn't form until August and that summer was kind of cool. Needless to say, the flower buds dropped and I never got to see the flower. after the inlfos dropped it the two branches that had formed the inflos, started growing branches. I ended up with 3 on one branch and four on the other. The tree was very tall and lanky to begin with. I want to say it was around 4.5 ft tall. I realize now that I should have pruned it earlier this year. I pruned it around the beggining of July. I got about 5 cuttings and kept one for myself. A few days ago, I noticed claws growing below the cut area on the two branches. Today I went and checked them and they are now small little bumps. I counted seven of them on both branches. I realize that it will probobly only have until mid October before it comes in and I don't think it will be enough time for the new branches to harden off before it goes dormant. I am not really thinking that it will be able to bloom next year, and honestly, I am just pleased to have so many branches form from one cut! Would it hurt to keep it from going dormant this winter? I think maybe if I just let it continue top grow, maybe I can get those branches to harden off. I am just afraid that if I let it go dormant this fall, I will lose the new branches. Can anyone help me here? I would really appreciate it!


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