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Planting Butia capitata (Pindo/Jello palm)

14 years ago

Season's Greetings palm fellow palm enthusiasts/nuts! I already have established a grouping of three T. fortuneis on the South side of the house. They've been doing well and have been growing. My success with the Trachys has encouraged me to try another species and I wanted to try a pinnate palm. My thinking is that the Pindo is probably the hardiest of the pinnate palms. Is this correct? I know many people say they are SLOW growing but I have a larger containerized one that seems to have pretty robust growth in the growing season and will soon be outgrowing its large container (have since ordered some others of smaller size). I am thinking of planting along the western side of the house. Is this an okay exposure? The area gets all direct sun just after noon to sunset--year round. This would be rather close to the house (which is light in color so high heat should not be a problem in this western exposure).--Damage from western winds is another matter. I've got two questions though. 1.) How far apart should they be planted from each other? and 2.) Can an evenutally large Pindo (ever the optimist here) do harm to the foundation of a house? Thanks.

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