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List of Some Tomato Varieties Resistant to Nematodes

14 years ago

This list is for Jo and anyone else who has soil infested with root knot nematodes.

The following hybrid tomatoes have some degree of nematode-resistance bred into them. Some varieties may tolerate nematodes more than others, and none of them are likely to be 100% "immune" to nematode damage, which is why we say they're 'resistant to' or 'tolerant of' nematodes.

This list is not all-inclusive, but includes many of the more commonly grown hybrids with nematode resistance.

The letters indicating proven disease or pest tolerance were taken from catalog listings, so if two catalogs I consulted showed different disease/pest toslerances listed them, I listed both.

Abraham Lincoln Improved (VFN or VFNASt)

Beefmaster (VFN or VFNASt)

Bella Rosa (VFFNA)

Better Boy (VFN)

Better Bush (VFN)

Big Beef (VFFNTASt)

Big Bite (VFFNT)

Burpee Supersteak (VFN)

Bush Early Girl (VFFNT)

Bush Goliath (VFN)

Cavalier (VFNTA)

Celebrity (VFNTA or VFFNTASt)

Champion III (VFNT)


Corona PS (VFFNASt)

Early Goliath (VFFNTASt)

Empire (VFFNASt)

Enchantment (VFN)

First Prize (VFFNT)

Fletcher (VFNTSWV)

Golden Girl (VFFNA)

Goliath (VFFNT)

Heartland (VFN or VFFN)

Italian Goliath (VFFNTA)

Jetsetter (VFFNTA)


Lemon Boy (VFN or VFNASt)

Miroma (VFFN)

Park's Whopper (VFN)

Park's Whopper Improved (VFFNT)

Royesta (FFNT)

Small Fry (VFNASt)

Sunny Goliath (VFN)

Super Bush (VFN)

Super Fantastic (VFN)

Super Marzano (VFNT or VFNTA)

Sweet Cluster (VFNT)

Tiffany (VFNT)

Tomande (VFFNT)

Tomosa (VFNT)

Victoria Supreme (VFFNA)

Viva Italia (VFFNA)

Ultra Boy (VFN)

Small Fry (VFN)

Sugar Snack (NT)

Super Beefsteak (VFN)

Sweet Chelsea (VFNT)

Sweet Million (FNT)

Sweet Quartz (VFNT)

Tough Boy (VFN)

Window Box Roma (VFN)

I am sure there are some heirloom varieties with some resistance to or tolerance of root knot nematodes, but since no one has paid to test and 'prove' the tolerance/resistance exists, we don't know "for sure" which ones they are. I do remember reading somewhere that DarJones said Red Mortgage Lifter was nematode resistant or tolerant.


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