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Name This Worm

13 years ago


I have dug out my macro lens and tripod, poked thru a plant until i could find a couple of these worms which i've been in the process of trying to kill multiple ways so i was relieved when i could only find 50 and only 5 were photogenic whereas 3 days ago i had thousands but no camera setup. but tonite i wouldn't quit until i took some pix.

please note it was impossible for me to put something in the shot for scale. when you see a bit of dirt, keep in mind that is a single grain or a very very very small clump.

i've had a horrific time battling fungus gnats so i immediately suspected larvae. they killed all my seedlings, and what they didn't kill * I KILLED * using Neem oil and gognats cedar oil. in the end, i spent a fortune on these and they didn't do much at all except kill my plants. since i had bad results w/ treatments, pasteurizing the soil did more good, though it nearly killed me being in the house while doing it. i have battled gnats from the day i brought in new plants and even up to now w/ established plants but i'm slowly getting everything redone w/ self pasteurized previously treating it all w/ anti gnat stuff, and repotting using 1/4 soil, 1/4 orchid mix, 1/4 cactus mix and the rest a blend of perlite & vermiculite and then covering the top 1/2' w/ sand.

i've researched horsetail worms, fungus gnats (which so far i've lessened the amount of fungus gnats, but this poor plant is one that i had waited till last to do because it is so very heavy. but after looking last nite (i took a plastic fork and jostled the soil about to check moisture) and hundreds upon hundreds of these worms poked their heads out. i got freaked out & immediately treated yet again w/ cold pressed need oil mixed w/ dish soap. i waited 24 hours to check results and found one w/in 10 mins of looking. so i took the plant to a deep sink and did the immersion. most neem oil floated out and caused a nasty residue, and i took my plastic utensil and more or less stirred the soil around to expose as much as possible to the water in hopes the worms would surface. i waited an hour, nothing surfaced. that made me a bit hopeful. i will admit i was surprised when i didn't see floaters, but i sensed they were still there, so i drained the plant and and after an hour of picking thru the soil i did indeed find some. i took photos. i figure where you find one, there are 100 hiding. i did notice on my first sighting of hundreds and even tonite when i was finding fewer in number, most were gathered around mulch chips that came in the general miracle grow (i know, i know, i was stupid).

god i have the heebie jeebies, feeling those things crawling all over me, especially after my order of freeze dried bloodworms came today to feed my carnivorous plants when they produce enough dew to eat. anyway, i simply cannot deal w/ the fact that i have those worms crawling around in my plant.

since they didn't float, i'm concerned they aren't fungus gnats. also, even in closeup, i didn't see the dark head and tail evident in other pix. these worms can really stretch. because i had them in a mirrored glass under a light they did die w/in a few mins of trying to take pix. i have a few more pix, but this one shot gives you a general idea of their appearance.

help anyone? here are the worms found in my plant.



also is there a CP forum that i can talk to ppl about how to tend to carnies (i focus on sundews) that don't have dew and if i can feed a pitcher plant? i def don't want to hurt any of my plants. put a freshly smacked cricket on the sundew and it ignored it. i got tweezers today to put a small cricket down my parrot pitcher plant's tube...but the sundews refuse to produce dew or even notice the cricket is laying on them. i originally got the carnies to help w/ eating gnats. even bought yellow sherbert bowls to keep them in because yellow attracts gnats. i got bloodworms just in case i do get rid of the gnat problem, but w/ my luck and the type of windows we have in this house, i'm sure it's impossible. (i'm hoping perhaps ppl will want to share some CPs and that i can fig out how to use the plant exchanges and trading section as i'm in love w/ sundews and simply cannot get enough.)

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