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Fall Foliage

Okiedawn OK Zone 7
14 years ago

Let's discuss our fall foliage reports.

Here in southern OK, most of the foliage on the trees remains green.

However, the trees that turn the native elms and persimmons are gorgeous. The elm foliage on our property is a brilliant yellow and the persimmons are a golden yellow which will, based on past experience, gradually turn an orange-yellow in a few more days. The colors are more vivid than usual, and I think it is because of the cool nights and abundant rainfall.

There are some really large trees in our neighbor's woods...back at the back of the property in the overgrown no-man's land you can't walk through, that are a gorgeous bright red this year...even brighter red than usual. I don't know what turns red this early here. The red oaks on our property normally don't turn red until November, or sometimes latest October, but these particular trees I admire from my back porch every day always are among the first to change colors.

So, any good foliage reports from your parts of the state?


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