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Dead Plumeria... ð

My first try at plumeria growing... A Celadine I purchased last year as a rooted cutting. It grew beautifully all last summer, but no flowers. Brought it inside and wintered it in my basement. Half way through the winter the tips developed a rot and began to shrivel. Cut them back to healthy wood, and the cuts healed nicely. Took it to work last month... I work at a greenhouse... thinking the warmth, sunshine and humidity would give it a nice early start. Today... A month later, I saw no signs of life so I took a pruning shears to it. Nothing but dead, mushy stems all the way to the roots. Depressing. Dumped it into the compost heap. Tonite I went online to Florida Colors and placed an order for two new grafted plants.... another Celadine and a Mardi Gras. I grow orchids, roses, camellias, gardenias and a slough of other tropicals. I'm damn well going to be successful with plumerias. I REFUSE TO LET PLANTS GET THE BEST OF ME!!

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