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Mosquito Repellant

17 years ago

About 3 wks ago I read an article on using catnip for mosquito repellant. I guess lots of research has been done and it supposed to contain a chemical that repels mosquitos. It had a recipe for vinegar/catnip to spray on and one for oil/catnip to rub on. I thought I'd give it a try. I soaked catnip leaves in a quart jar in vinegar for 2 weeks, shaking it once every morning. Today was trial day. I went out in the garden early this morning and have been out there most of the day and have only been biten a couple of times. So I'm saying it's pretty darn effective! And yes, the mosquitos are thick in my garden! Some people say they don't want to smell like vinegar but I am out there for extended periods of time sweating like a banchee and have to clean up anyway when I come in so it's not a problem with me. For those of you interested here is the link

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