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10 year old neglected plant please help/ is it plumeria ?

11 years ago

hello friends,

this is my almost 10 year old plant( is it plumeria?)

I transplanted this plant 10 years back in a 28 inc inches pot
but it was neglected
since then nobody ever thought anything about it except watering it
but now i think it has overgrown the pot and i can't see anything in the pot accept the plant roots where is hardly any potting soil left in the pot
as for food it has not been given any mineral or any other type of fertilizer since when it was potted at the time of potting i used manure and garden soil in 1-3 ratio kindly
guide me as to what should i do for the for this neglected plant
I have never pruned this plant in fact i don't know if plumeria can be pruned or not
pls friends help me on this how to repot it and should I hard prune it or not ?
also what should I do to the roots should I cut tap roots or adventitious root?
what soil to use ? certainly not what I used before
I think it can hardly survive this summer

also at what temperature range I should repot it right now temperatures are @ 1degree to 10 deg Celsius


thank you


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