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Color name question: is red actually red?

This is for Herbaceous peonies.

With peonies (and other flowers), I know color names do not always reflect the real color. I bought a Buckeye Belle which is described as being deep red. I don't know if that is a true red, or actually the purplish red that "red" often describes; which I might describe as "magenta" or "raspberry." I have not seen it bloom, so have no idea what the red is.

I am looking for a plant to balance the row. If I choose anything described as a "red" is it likely to be the same kind of red as Buckeye Belle? I know this is a tough question to answer. The other ones in the row are a double white: Snow Mountain, and Festiva Maxima, which I chose because it is white with red streaks

Buckeye Belle is described as a anemone /lotus type (single or semi-double with an open center). A "red" with that same type would be a plus.

Is Karl Rosenfield red? I saw that at a store and could go back for it.

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