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Devastating Bees losses this year, you could be a factor

10 years ago

Did you buy garden plants from Lowes or Home Depot, they use an insecticide on garden plants and trees that has been linked to huge bee decline nationwide.

Bees are essential for one out of three bites of food we eat, and this year beekeepers reported losses of between 40-90 percent of their hives.ÃÂ A growing body of scientific evidence is pointing to the most widely-used pesticide on the planet, neonicotinoids (neonics) as the key factor in this crisis.

You can find bottles of these toxic pesticides on the shelves of your local garden stores and more shockingly, many of the plants and seeds we buy from nurseries for our bee-friendly gardens have been pre-treated with neonics, atÃÂ doses up to 220 times higher than are used on farms. So, instead of helping bees in our gardens, we may be unknowingly poisoning them.

Fortunately, the European Union banned this toxic pesticide, and major home and garden retailers in the UK have pledged to stop selling neonics. Now we need your help to demand that Home Depot, LoweâÂÂs do the same in the U.S.

Please tell them to stop using these pesticides and sign the petition

Here is a link that might be useful: Save the Bees petition to Home Depot and Lowes

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