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Record Florida Cold - Warning! Graphic content!

14 years ago

24 degrees F forecasted for Orlando, Fl tonight. Not only would the 7 year stretch of zone 10a winters come to an end, but we could see significant damage on even 9b palms.

My palms in jeopardy:

1. 15ft tall fruiting cocos nucifera. Palm is fully wrapped and with Xmas lights. But this is our record 9th night of freezing or near freezing temperatures.

2. Smaller cocos nucifera. Been unprotected and has endured 29F and freezing rain. So far no damage, but decided to call off all bets and I moved indoors. Yes those are icicles that formed on the palm yesterday morning.

3. Several other tropicals....crotons, xianderas (sp?), peace Lilly, etc. Most of These are on their own more sheets/blankets available.

Another problem are the rolling blackouts central Florida is experiencing. Utilities cannot keep up with the demand.

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