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HAVE: Caerulea seed for trade or postage

15 years ago

Folks, I've got fruit on my caerulea vines turning bright orange as of May 12, 2009. Lots of seed. The parent plants are a standard blue caerulea (bought from the Texas A&M Horticultural Gardens several years back) and a caerulea var. Constance Eliott bought from Milberger's Nursery in San Antonio. The Constance Eliott doesn't flower quite as readily as the blue, but the fruit are about 20 percent larger and--I kid you not--slightly sweet. This doesn't mean the CE fruit are very good to eat, but I'd rate them as "Eh" on the flavor scale whereas regular caerulea fruit is "ugh." :-) No guarantees which traits will be passed on to the seedlings, of course.

Anyway, I'm willing to trade for other passiflora seeds or plants. I'll also be happy to send some out in exchange for shipping costs (generally around $2, as I use padded envelopes to keep the seeds from being crushed).

If you're interested, EMAIL ME. I only check these posts sporadically, so email is the only way to guarantee I see your request.

