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The Benedict Medal - 2011 #1 Satisfaction.

The HOTY is a pretty good list, but it's basically a marketing tool for the retail sales industry. Its winners have to be widely available to the public at $15 or less.

A better list for collectors is the Benedict Medal winners and the Awards of Merit. These are awarded by Hosta gardeners like you and me who are trained as judges. They grow the plants and visit gardens to judge the performance of them in real gardens not in nurseries. These awards are supposed to be given to the "best of the best" Hostas that "perform well in all areas of the country."

The first three winners of the Benedict Medal were Sagae, June and Blue Mouse Ears. All were shown in the HOTY posts. So lets look at those that have been given Awards of Merit. It is from these AOM plants that the next Benedict Medalist will be chosen.

In 2011 only 4 Hostas were given the AOM. The first was Satisfaction, a sport of Piedmont Gold introduced by Chuck Wasitis of Bridgewood Gardens. Let's see your pictures of this highly garden worthy plant.

Here's mine before it got trashed for having nematodes.

Here's a bigger one from one of the convention gardens.


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