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What's your little known hosta source? I found a new one.

17 years ago

Anyone ever buy from Long Island's Home of Hostas?

I happened across them while googling for a picuture of Komodo Dragon. What attracted me to them was that they take PayPal and I had some "extra money" in my PayPal account.

So I spent some of my extra money on Dee's Golden Jewel, Crepe Suzette, Janet, Pooh Bear, and Komodo Dragon. I have ordered from several popular hosta nurseries (Halson's, HillTop, Bridgewood, etc). The ones I got from LIHoH are the biggest I have ever received and had incredible roots.

All had multiple eyes. Komodo Dragon was $18 but had 5 eyes.

Glad I found this little secret as I have never seen anyone else mention them.

What is your secret hosta source?

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