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Lotsa Potsa Hosta Update October 1

15 years ago

The back story: Late April I dug up all my northern Indiana hostas and moved them just south of Nashville, Tennessee, where they've spent the very hot and dry summer in pots at my daughter's house. I've driven over and watered once a week, except for one GLORIOUS week when it rained! After they go dormant, I'll move them to our new house, to be planted in the spring.

They've outperformed my wildest hopes. Most have done much better than they did in their old location, competing with maple roots. I think I lost only one or two smallish ones. Of course, they still have to make it through the winter, but so far, so good. Clickable thumbnails, I hope!

Blue Sophistocation closest; Blue Mammoth by the tree

The Indominable Paradigm!!

Lacey Belle

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