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A little heat for germination

16 years ago

I planted tomato seed on Thursday and couldn't think of a warm place to put the flat. Yesterday I moved them to the top of the refrigerator but it didn't seem to generate extra heat. Of course, it is closer to the ceiling so that should make a little difference. Last night, I dug out my shop light and put it just above the domed cover of the flat and moved it to the dining room table. It was almost touching the dome but I couldn't feel much heat on the cover. Within a couple of hours, I could see condensation forming on the dome so I knew it was working. This morning I can see small sprouts breaking out of the seed pod.

I tend to hold onto seeds much too long and I planted some this year that I really don't expect so sprout. Funny -- I just can't throw them away until I am sure they are too old. Since I plant in tiny soil blocks there is really no cost in trying the old seed. I could plant in a larger block, but that takes much more room (and planting mix). The problem I normally have is that they all come up then I have too many. That will be a real issue for me this year since I am going to put a lot of things in pots and try to clear out the things that have creeped into my garden space. A previous owner liked planting on the chain link fence that surrounds my garden. I am being overrun with vining things and grass.

I MUST plant a few things back there because what is spring without sugar snap peas, and those 6 foot vines will be looking for their cattle panels to climb on. I usually direct sow sugar snaps very early, but this year I think I will plant them in a flat and transplant. Do any of you do that? Do they transplant OK?

I have been sick with a cough and cold for three days and my desire to "play in the dirt" is getting the best of me. I must plant something.

I have a small "bunk house" that we only heat enough to keep the pipes from freezing unless someone is visiting. I normally germinate my seeds inside my home then move them to that cooler area under lights. One of my husbands co-workers has moved to the Tulsa area but is still working here, so he sleeps out there about 3 or 4 nights a week. I hope he doesn't mind sharing the space with a lot of transplants. It is "cramping my style" a little but I thought I would go buy some of those foil-like insulated blankets from the sporting goods department and hang down a couple of sides of it. That should cut some of the light glare and the reflective qualities should help the plants. The plants will just have to learn to co-exist with a human.

I normally order seed but didn't do it this year. I am trying to use up what I have on hand and have supplemented that with a few "rack packs". What a disappointment. One tomato pack had 16 seeds. In the future, I will order.

Happy seed starting to you all.

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