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New Michigan Hosta Bed - Part 1 - Warning 11 photos included

15 years ago

These photos are a few days old, so things have changed a little since they were taken. Most of the change has been to add additional mulching. Gary and I are both really happy with the way the gardens are turning out. Did I mention that I am well on the way to making a hostaholic out of him? Actually, I believe he's already there and maybe he even knows it :-)

Our new town is full of old houses and lovely gardens. There are lots of native plants and wildflowers growing here, as well as many more cultivated flowers and plants. There are even a lot of hostas! But even with all these gorgeous gardens to look at, people are constantly stopping by and complimenting our new hosta bed when we are out there working. And I'm not talking a few people, I'm talking about maybe a couple of dozen so far. I've had compliments on the old gardens in Minnesota, but NEVER like this. One fellow told Gary that he'd been waiting to catch us in the garden and that we are an asset to the community LOL! A newspaper boy (maybe 10-11 years old) stopped and told me that 'there was just grass here before and then you came and planted all this stuff and now it's really cool!' (I loved that, coming from a pre-adolescent boy!). One couple stopped and stood in the middle of the intersection for a good 5 minutes one night, just looking at the garden. And these are only a few of many. I am absolutely amazed. Sorry I'm rambling....

Anyway, here are wider angle photos of the new hosta garden. I'm going to post a second time with photos of small groups and some individual hostas (to keep this thread from being so image heavy).

Oh, and yes, those are nasty old maples you see there. I'm hoping I have the good luck that lindac has and not the bad luck that ken and others have, growing hosta under them, because these trees literally line the streets here, and they aren't goin' anywhere.

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