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Rescuing bank from buckthorn -- What now?

13 years ago

I'm looking for advice on what I can plant along a shaded river bank that is also a deerpath. I'm about miles north of Chicago near Lake Michigan.

We've cleared buckthorn from a 15 X 200 foot swath of bank. (Eight men; all day.) We will be poisoning the buckthorn stumps and discouraging any new buckthorn. This swath runs N-S, with the water to the east and a low deer-deterrent fence and row of mature arbor vitae to the west. Left standing are tall, skinny elm and ash trees. The trees above and the arbor vitae to the west keep the bank in shade.

I hear that I will probably face an onslaught of garlic mustard now the bank is cleared. How to remove this?

Do I plant something? What? When? My goal is just to give native plants a chance and help stabilize the bank. We don't view this area from our house.

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