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Are these native perennials going to be invasive at all?


We just spent an incredibly long time clearing out our yard and getting rid of plants that got away from us. We have a fresh start on a small 1/4 acre lot and I am trying to go as native as possible without creating any maintenance problems for us.

I would love to add joe pye weed, asclepias, native asters,liatris, and echinaceas. I just want to make sure before I add them, that they are not going to eventually become a problem for us. A problem for us would be if they reseed tremendously, if they outgrow their predicted space and encroach on neighboring plants, if their root system makes it difficult to remove the plant, especially if when you attempt to dig it out, any root you miss, turns into another plant.

What would be okay for us...if we have to divide them maybe every 4 yrs, if they gently reseed, if they increase in size at a slow to moderate rate, without taking over the yard. If they can easily be dug out and given away if they don't work out for us.

Can someone share their experiences with these native plants?

Thanks :-)

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