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Mystery Plant in Michigan Flood-plain Woods

19 years ago

Can anyone provide guesses about the following plant's identity (sorry, don't have picture capability), found in flower today in Southeast Michigan in the Rouge River flood-plain? 8 " to 12" high, long, fleshy roots, possibly planted, rather than native to woods.

Leaves: 2 or 3, all basal, growing from a common sheath; simple, on long, grooved petiole, somewhat like common burdock; arrowhead shape, the oldest - broader than long, the younger - longer than broad, younge darker green with edges of leaf curved downwards.

Flowers: on one long stalk, rising from base, higher than leaves, several minute leaves on stalk totally unlike main leaves, alternate; 20 to 25 flower clusters at top of stalk, arranged in spirals; each cluster with 20 to 30 flowers on short stalks rising from common base, flowers about 2mm. wide, pale pink, 5 petals, joined as in Pink family, one pistil extending about 3mm. beyond petals, with spear-like end.

Any ideas welcome, regards, Peter.

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