Goldfishgray,just a question and you don't have to answer. How old are you? Another question of yours made you sound very young.
The reason I ask is that a question asked by someone under 20 will be answered differently than a question from someone over 50 with lots of experience.
An under 20 will get more of an indepth answer unless the questions are your homework. Yours do not seem to be homework type.
Maifleur, I am sorry if I offended you with my questions. No, this is not for homework. Yes, I am around 20 and young (maybe even without much experience, but you don't exactly have to write the same way you deal with plants). I don't realy understand what you were saying in your first Follow-up, and this is my first time dealing with jackfruit. How old are you (you don't have to answer). Do you want me to write more pro.? ~Kate
What made me ask about your age was your statement in your other posting "My mom planted my jakfruit seeds in the same pot as the blueberry bushes".
A younger person that is new at gardening if they were known to be inexperienced would probably receive a fuller answer to their questions so that they could learn. I have found that a older person new to gardening seems to want a quick answer not an answer explaining the whys and other options.
On most of these groups a student will ask a series of questions that most can tell are being used as homework. Your questions did not seem to be that type but I asked anyway. You did not offend me and I hope my question did not offend you but thanks for answering. Keep on asking questions.
Hi, I am looking for someone who can supply me with fresh blackgold jackfruit seeds or other variety, so that I can buy them! if someone can supply with the seeds please dont hesitate to e-mail me!
Chemocurl zn5b/6a Indiana
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