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Questions about Cultivars/hybrids

17 years ago

I really enjoy gardening for wildlife, and think using native plants is an important part of that. Aside from a few flats of annuals each year, my plan is to purchase only natives from now on. I live about 20 minutes from Garden in the Woods in Framingham, Mass., and hope to visit there soon.

I've been perusing the Nursery list on the NEWFS website. They sell a number of cultivars such as Heuchera 'Lime Rickey' which I assume is a cultivar of a native species of Heuchera. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this means that all the Heuchera 'Lime Rickeys' out there are genetically identical since they've been propogated from one original native plant by cuttings or division.

So I'm guessing that nurseries sell many thousands of plants of a really popular cultivar, which are all clones of each other (doesn't seem to do much for genetic diversity). Regardless of how many "copies" of a plant are out there, wouldn't the cultivar of a native plant still be considered native?

Also on the Nursery list is Agastache 'Blue Fortune', which I think is a hybrid of a North American species and a Korean species. Would this plant be considered 50% native and 50% non-native?

Just trying to get a better understanding what "native" means. Thanks.

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