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Best of the 2009 Hosta Alphabet pics

Now hereÃs a hard one for you. Choose your personal favorites from the pics in the just-completed Hosta Alphabet (for which we are greatly indebted to caliloo). The rule I set for myself was to choose just one hosta specimen from each list (what a killer). My criteria were: a healthy looking plant meeting the 10-foot rule, and secondly, a good quality photo (I allowed ties on the photo). These are the ones I would love to have in my garden.

1. Alex Summers (loisf)

2. Brother Stefan (fenceberry and critter-ridder)

3. Crusader (paul in mn)

4. Delta Dawn (mctavish)

5. Eye Declare (critter-ridder and mctavish)

6. First Frost (mao tse mom, naal, fenceberry, melati, loisf, caliloo)

7. Golden Scepter (hostaforme and loisf)

8. Hadspen Heron (loisf)

9. Inniswood (ohiolibrarian, melati, mctavish, paul in mn)

  1. Jewel of the Nile (caliloo, loisf, fenceberry, melati, mctavish)
  2. Kiwi Full Monty (melati, hosta freak, fencebeberry, loisf)
  3. Lemon Lime (melati, mctavish)
  4. Maui Buttercupts (i dig it, melati, fenceberry, hostaforme)
  5. Niagara Falls (loisf and mctavish)
  6. One ManÃs Treasure (critter-ridder)
  7. Pewterware (critter-ridder)
  8. Queen of the Nile (melati, critter-ridder, mctavish)
  9. Rainforest Sunrise (loisf, melati, i dig it)
  10. Sunpower (hostapumpkinman) MY FAVORITE PIC!
  11. Touch of Class (critter-ridder, loisf, mctavish)
  12. Ultramarine (critter-ridder)
  13. Vanilla Cream (mctavish)
  14. Whirlwind (melati, paul in mn)
  15. Xanadu (melati)
  16. Yellow Splash Rim (paul in mn)
  17. Zounds (melati, hosta freak)

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