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Growing my Market Garden

Hello all!

As the winter season is here, we are all probably wishing for an early spring. If you are like me, you are already making plans for next year and maybe already ordering seed.

I have a couple of questions for you. I think I know my answers, but it would be nice to hear others opinions.

1) Is it better to be the big fish in a little pond or a little fish in a big pond?

I am thinking about changing my markets I go to. Currently I go to three small markets a week. They are 3-40 miles from my home. They are smaller markets in smaller towns. I am the largest seller or one of the largest seller at them. I could switch two of these markets and go to a larger town, but I would lose my customer base and have to start all over in this new town. I know lots of people in the Bigger new town, (I use to teach there and my wife works there) but I would also have more competition. Should I help grow my small town markets and stay where I am at or try the larger one? The reason I would go to the larger market is to be able to sell more and make more money.

2) Should I try to get local Mom and Pop restaurants to buy produce from me, even at a cheaper price?

I have not approached any of these places, but I know I have a superior product to what they use and sell.

3) How to know when big enough is big enough?

I want to grow my business. I enjoy it so much! I enjoy being with people and working outside. I am a teacher and I kind of have the tale of two lives. All spring, summer and into the fall, I am a Market Gardener. In the Fall, winter and Spring I am a teacher. I need the extra income from teaching, but I know if I change markets and grow more, I could probably make more market gardening than teaching. That is really sad to say, but it is the truth. However, one late freeze or really bad hailstorm/tornado, I would be out of luck and needing real job again.

If you have any advice or are in similar situations, I would love to hear them.


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