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WANTED: Kansas City, Looking to trade for mature Jacobs Cline Mo

9 years ago

I live in the northland area of Kansas City and have been building a hummingbird garden; looking to fill an immediate void where I want the bee balm. I have some 3" plants (Jacobs Cline) on order from Springhill Nursery, but they may not ship until later on; they said as late as October.

I have English Ivy in plentiful portions, same with Virginia Creeper to trade. I have a limited supply of hostas, ferns, and salvia that I would be willing to part with (plant for plant) for a good healthy cluster or two of the Jacobs Cline Monarda (not interested in pink bee balms that are subject to mildew)

Don't know the proper names of the hostas, but have some Japanese Painted Ferns.

Also, if you are interested in tree starters; I have Hickory Nut and Pin Oak trees that take root like weeds here. Easy to find 1 to 2 feet starters on them here and there.

This post was edited by Ani1959 on Mon, Sep 1, 14 at 14:46
