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Japanese Weeping Maples - Closed Leaves - Help

15 years ago


I bought two dwarf JWM about 4 months ago - 'Orangeola', about 4-5' tall. Really beautiful and delicate leaves. Both planted into 45*45*45 cm posts with new organic soil with a little additional organic compose. Both take the part morning-lunchtime sun, which can be hot and strong in Australia, then are semi-shaded through the afternoon. They are North facing (in Oz) i..e face the sun. They have suffered a little wind burn but this issue happened before the wind but happened (one day of strong winds and strong sun)

After two months one of the JWM's leaves have started to curl up like a closed hand. the other is fine. The vendor suggested that the stomata were blocked/closed and spraying a fine spray may help, but this has not. I've also tried a little gentle seaweed food mix, but again no joy. Before I lug them back to the shop (heavy and a distance), does anyone have any other ideas?



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