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Late Fall Tomatoes

I decided early on this year that I was going to have tomatoes as long as possible. My tomatoes have great flavor and it seems that I can keep a strong demand all season. To me they taste like my tomatoes. I guess when you don't anyone else's tomatoes, it is really hard to compare.

I started seeds in late May/early June for this late project. I wanted to start them sooner, but I had to order the seeds.

I was aiming for planting them around July 4th. I had problems with germination and the heat was so bad, I didn't get them out until July 17th.

So here we sit, 60 days out. How are they doing? I think they are doing great. I haven't picked any, yet, but that day is coming. When it does, I hope people appreciate all the work it has taken to get them here.

Also these are in one of my movable tunnels. I added a third growing spot to them this year. So now each 512 square foot building will cover 2,048 feet in one year. I also have carrots growing outside. Once these tomatoes freeze, I will move the building over the carrots to protect them for the winter.

The carrots came up spotty. I wish they had germinated better, but when you are planting them and it is 95-105, what can you expect.

Carrots outside:


Outside picture of hoop building. It is all closed up as it has been rainy, and a high of 53 for the past two days. 75 and 80 next week

View of inside:

Florida 91's (majority)

Taxi (yellow, just a few)

Cherokee Purple (Just one row)

I am hoping I will get to pick them by the end of the month. I know I can keep them going until Thanksgiving, with minimal heat.


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