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Thank you, Alexa/elf 2006!!! Lots of pics.!

14 years ago

I know--I've really been on here a lot today, (between washing windows) but

we had VBS at our church, Sunday night through last night, 6:00 p.m. to 9:10 p.m.

and I am absolutely worn out! ONLY by God's grace, could I do one other night

and it was tough last night! We had over 300 kids registered! But what a blast it was

for all, even me, who wound up playing 'tag' with my kiddies, Wed., having not

having to 'run' for the past 10-15 yrs.!

So, I've TAKEN it very easy today and made time to play on the forum (too much) today!:-/

Okay--back to the topic---I went out back to plant two of the hosta I received from Hallson's today.

I decided to put 'Flemish Sky' in the bed with the 'Summer Breeze' I've photographed and posted several

times today but there was a really neat little hosta in the spot I wanted to use. I really love that

little thing and have all along thought it was 'Emerald Tiara' but when I put the shovel in to displace it

I found a bright orange band with the name 'Green With Envy'!!

I immediately realized how I came by that one! It was from Alexa, specially picked,

(I believe) to represent the role I played in the 'Hosta Santa' game in August 2006!

I was contacted, by another member, and talked into playing the drooling, envious hosta-coveter

that kept trying to find out who was next on 'Santa's list', and in character, OBVIOUSLY

hoping it was 'me'!! I was admittedly over-acting and quite obnoxious--but apparently

very convincing in the role! Remember, I'm the one to 'over-do' anything!! Sigh!!

A long story but many may well remember 'the game'!

Well, I have to tell you, Alexa, that little thing has flourished. I have two nice sized clumps

and moved one to a spot I had to dig out and enlarge (4th time this year) to make room for

it to snuggle up to 'Gunsmoke', who will hopefully not completely engulf it before long!

Here's the history, in pics.:

What it looked like when I received it in my 'Santa-package' through the mail--looking a little 'sad' but

having nice roots!

When we put in the new octagonal deck, ('07) in the center of our yard, I had to move the little hosta

and put it on the front side of it, with the hosta coming apart, making two sections!

Here is where they sat tonight before I moved one of them, the one on the left-front, is the one to be moved:

Here is where I moved it:

And, this, the second part, further down from the newly tucked in 'Flemish Sky'!!

AND--I soon realized, Alexa, that the other piece of 'Alex Summers' I found I have is the

one you sent me! I realized it, when I went to find the photo of the 'gifts' I received from

you and a couple passed on from ken.

It has not done as well, despite having great roots when I received it from you, so I moved it

after finding it to a spot I hope it will do better in--here it is:

Ken--'H. Paradise Joyce' is doing great, too!

Thank you, both! I will definitely be more mindful of where these gifts have come from!!!

And, Alexa--I LOVE 'Green with Envy' now--it is so adorable sending up it's proud little scapes!!! :O)

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