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Disappointing runner bean production

11 years ago

I tried some white-flowered runner beans this year, and found most of the flowers did not set beans. I grew Insuk's Wang Kong before and had a high degree of beans set on. I don't know if pollinators don't like white flowers or what is going on. I did see a hummingbird visiting the white flowers, I was afraid they would not. As the season goes on there have been more beans setting on, but not comparable to IWK, which was pretty much my highest yielding pole bean last year. I've realized I am not much for shelly beans anyway, since I like the food value of the pods, and eat even runner beans with pods since I don't mind chewing up the pod and spitting out the fiber. So I don't think I will try white-seeded runner beans again. Otherwise I have been having a very good bean year, except that one trellis set-up has a very large vole population and they have been nipping off all the bean stalks down the row, even after my usual deterrent of wrapping the stems with aluminum foil.:-(

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