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Rat(s) in floored attic

19 years ago

For the past three weeks we have been having our first rat problem here in Arlington, VA in an old cape cod w/ a 2 story addition.

First evidence were droppings behind the fridge, stove and couch, followed now by nightly running and gnawing in an addition ceiling since we closed off the hole behind the dishwasher. (we didn't realize it was a rat problem at the time, and probably should have trapped before we closed the hole)

Partially, there is attic access on both sides of the addition (with a bathroom in between). I found gnawed holes in the attic corners (both sides), which exit to the gutter corners on both sides of the house. I finally stuffed all openings with copper wool, as well as any other openings to the house.

So far, zero luck after a week with rat snap traps in the attics and elsewhere (some baited with peanut butter, others with cotton ball & vanilla), but admittedly we haven't truly located the runs. We can basically hear where they are running (galloping), but there is a plywood floor in the attic, and the rats likely are below it, running along the joists.

Should I pull the floor up, or trap and wait longer, or "other"? I pulled some smaller panels where they were heard, exposing the insulation below, but didn't see much else. Should the spaces between all the joists be exposed, inspected and trapped??

Also, we had bait stations added around the house, with no feeding activity in 4 days.

Thank you.

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