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New member with New Guinea..Help

19 years ago


I am a brand new member with my first house plant :)

I picked the New Guinea becuase it is non toxic to pets, easy to maintain & does well in the heat. ( I live in south Forida). Here are my questions and I appreciate any help

1) It is in a pot on the patio..How often do I water? (It is in sun) 2x per day?

And how do I know enough water is enough?

2) I read that miracle grow is good. But 1 or 2x per week? and how much do I sprinkle in the pot?

3) What is pinching back? Is that just cutting away the dead stems?

4) I read on Mrimpatiens that if the leaves look dead or rotted to spray a mix of dish soap,alcohol and H2o. How many times should I spray?

Thanks,..I dont want them to die and I heard that the New Guinea is good for the heat.

Thank you all so much!

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