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Ontario has PIPS

Well, the pips are starting to the ground and in some pots! I took my list around and checked off all the potted ones that had tags on them, noting whether pips were present (with a check mark) and RO (roots ok) beside those that had no pips yet ... you may recall that I potted approx. 3/4 of my hosta stock last fall.

H. 'Sagae' and mama P. look like they are trying to walk out! Lots of surface roots coming up for air, lol. Tall Twister, Blue Cadet, Golden Scepter, June, UA, JOTN to name a few.

Now that I've seen they are ALL ok (potted ones) they can take their sweet time coming up..the longer the better. I'm just very relieved that the only loss is Dream Queen.

Here's a pic of Tall Twister (OS) pips.

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