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well, now we have a winter mix going on.

13 years ago

just what I need, a winter mix, its a real fine mix,have to look hard to see it now since its so dark out.weather report says wont be no accumalations which I hope they right with the weather this time.I just dont need no ice out there to slip and fall again.I fell yesterday on the front step,and have not figured out yet what happened, but,I took quite a tumble and fell into the fence and there was a pc of rusty fence wire sticking out a little on the corner of the fence that got jammed in my hand and I have a really sore hand that I have been putting peroxide on every couple hrs,and its better today then it was yesterday.I had went out to get the paper and was coming back in, and stapped up on the porch and next thing I knew i was flying through the air into the fence. A FREAK ACCIDENT, but dont need a repeat and slip on ice.

Have a nice day,


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