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Trades or Exchanges

17 years ago

I've never traded hosta with anyone and I was wondering just how big of a clump should you send or give when you do do it. I know that you usually send bare root so do you send just one or two shoots or four or five or more? What is the correct number? Does the popularity of the hosta make a difference?

I know soneone has the answer for me.

Thanks, Connie

Comments (49)

  • ken_adrian Adrian MI cold Z5
    17 years ago

    one or two .... depending how easy it is to break/cut off .... is the norm ....

    more could be negotiated for .... e.g. send me 4 eyes and i will send you A and B .... 2 eyes each ...

    its whatever you agree on .... dont leave it to speculation ...

    and dont go big on your first trade with a stranger .... trade for a couple... and if it all works out.. then do some more ... that way you dont lose to much if they are scum ...


  • i_dig_it
    17 years ago

    Lol, Ken you just have a way with words.

    That happened to me on another board I used to frequent. I traded someone lots of seeds I collected from several of my perennials, in exchange for a couple of sprouts of their plants in the spring.
    Well of course spring came and no plants and they weren't on the board anymore and emails bounced.

    It wasn't that the seeds were valuable, but I still felt like I had been scum, lol.


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    greenbug, Your best bet may be a big box store or your local garden center this spring. If you don't have one of these, purchasing online for fall shipment is a good option. If you are looking for low cost, Gilbert H. Wild has pretty low prices and is a good place to start your peony collection. You can request a catalog to get on their mailing and/or email list. They send out several sale catalogs every year in the mail, and they sometimes have a free shipping weekend for online orders. Here is a link that might be useful: Gilbert H. Wild
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    Trades and exchanges


    Comments (8)
    I just traded seeds by mail with a guy from New York I found on the perennials forum. He had tons of stuff to trade, and I'm looking forward to sprouting all these seeds! If anyone local wants some seeds, I have a few varieties I'd be happy to give away: 1. Lavatera tauricensis - a pink flower that looks similar to hibiscus. Supposed to be a zone 7 plant, but it's done fine in my yard (which might actually be zone 7 now, if you saw that thread about the National Arbor Day Foundation's zone change map). Actually, with this extra cold month, I'm waiting to see if the plants really do come back this spring. Anyway, it flowered first year from seed, so it could be treated as an annual. Here's a link to photos and something I wrote about it on my personal website. 2. French Marigold -- I can't remember the variety. I'm not a big marigold fan, but I like these. They're orangey-rusty colored and somewhat low growing, with fairly simple flowers (not the big, tall puff-balls). Here's a link from my website, too. I have a lot of these seeds. If you want some, you can email me by clicking on my name above and finding the email link from my profile. - Steve
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  • tidymimi
    17 years ago

    When it comes to trading, make everything clear upfront. Be honest, and hope the other person is also. Better yet, exchange pictures of the divisions or plants in question. Basically, follow Ken's advice till you know what you're doing, and who you're doing it with. Most of the time it is equal value trading, especially when you get to higher end plants, but things can be worked out to satisfy both parties. Comunnicate, communicate, communicate.

  • newhostaaddict
    17 years ago

    hi connie...

    ken is correct....start small if you don't know who you are dealing with....then you are not out so much if the trade goes bad...wish i had been smart enough to know that....

    i definitely know 2 "Scum" you need to avoid...send me an email...


  • lynnem
    17 years ago


    Typically, I get one "eye" in trades. That seems to be the standard expectation. And I don't think the popularity matters...depends on what you have the the trader wants, and vice versa..

    With all the nematodes and virus issues, you may want to keep your traded hostas "Quarantined" for a year or two. (great advice, but do I do that?? no..)

    I think it's really a matter of communication. Let your trader know what you have to trade. If it's a division of 2nd year tissue culture, let them know. If it's a huge, 1 eye division of a mature Blue Angel, let them know. (and them let them know you may have to cut off some of the leaves so it fits in the box!).

    Watch trading with anyone who contacts you out of the blue for a trade. Watch members who just joined Garden Web the same day... It's good to post replys to trades publically on the trade forum,that way, if the trader is a bad trader, or a bad trader responds to one of your requests for trades, one the the other members may see the post and warn you.

    I've never been stiffed on a trade, I know I've been lucky. Jill had some problems last year, as did a few others. But don't let me scare you, trading is great fun, and a good way to increase your collection.

  • hostasformez4
    Original Author
    17 years ago

    WOW! I knew I would get great advice and yes Ken has a way with words doen't he!! Of course he wouldn't be Ken if he changed! LOL! I have to defend him 'cause he is sending me a hosta for learning how to post pictures!

    I have an established older hosta collection with most of my hostas being in the ground (just moved around in my yard) for 5 to 10 years or more. I don't have any of the problems some of you seem to have with viruses, nemotodes, etc.,knock on wood.

    My "newer" hostas are from the last 2 or 3 years and not big enough to divide.

    I admire the wonderful hosta collections some of you have amased in such a short time.


  • indyrose
    17 years ago

    Trading is great fun as well as a good way to increase your garden! I've done a LOT of trading, both here and from other groups, and MOST people are very generous. Sometime I feel like I may have "cheated" someone when they throw in "extras" that weren't agree on. :-)

    And I've even had one person send me a second box, stating she thought she had short-changed me! (She hadn't, but it was nice anyway!)

    The fun and "profit" are well worth the "risks" of the occasional person who is not with the program!

    It's about time for the fun to begin, too! I'm ready!


  • cfmuehling
    17 years ago

    I have to admit, that I kind of wish there were a feedback system such as eBay's ratings. I am a good trader, but have also had a few ... scum. It always makes me sad, but I have to write it off to their problem. Obviously they needed my plants more than I needed theirs.

    I agree with posting trades publicly, vs. behind the scenes. I mean, that's fine, but there's something to be said for honest feedback. And I just wrote a lady from the exchange page who posted last year! [lol]. Ah well. I've got references! :)

    I wouldn't stop trading for a few deadbeats, though. I mean, in the scope of things? They're just plants and they make more.


  • esther_opal
    17 years ago

    Remember if you trade on line there is a good chance you will be dished on line if whatever you do doesn't live up to the expectations of the person receiving your plants.

    I wouldn't consider doing it for that reason!

  • hostasformez4
    Original Author
    17 years ago

    WOW! What a wealth of information.

    Good luck to all of you who do trade on Ebay but I'm not brave enough to try it myself.

    Good luck to all of you who exchange or trade through the HF. I am setting up my first exchange or trade and feel very comfortable dealing with that individual .

    Will let you all know how it went later after it happens!


  • esther_opal
    17 years ago

    Will let you all know how it went later after it happens!

    Only my opinion, if it goes well I want to know, if not keep it to yourself.

  • tidymimi
    17 years ago

    Well, I have to agree with Esther Opal's last 2 comments. I too see no reason to publicly beat someone up over a plant trade gone wrong, yet would be nice to hear about if everyone is happy.

  • ademink
    17 years ago

    I've found by the time you give up a plant and pay the postage, you usually could have just gone out and purchased the plant you really wanted for a lot less hassle.

    Though I can't say I'd never trade again, I will definitely be VERY select.

  • esther_opal
    17 years ago

    I'll share a sermon.

    People confuse happiness and success
    Success is getting what you want
    Happiness is wanting what you get

    A second one

    Complaint is poverty
    Gratitude is riches

  • ademink
    17 years ago

    Ok Confucious...are you saying I am successful but not happy because I decided to get what I want instead of be happy with what I am given in trades?

    Here's a sermon for you:

    As a dog returns to its does a fool return to his folly. That's in Proverbs. LOL

  • esther_opal
    17 years ago

    A fool and his money are soon parted.

    How does a fool get his money to begin with?

  • playinmud
    17 years ago

    He probably inherited it from his wealthy father...look at the Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15, verses 11 through 31)...although that had a great ending when the son realized what a fool he had been.

  • esther_opal
    17 years ago

    As a freshman in college in Psy 101 they took old wives tales and subjected them to the scientific method.
    I believed every one of them and of course science proved all erroneous.
    A lesson for me be careful what you believe without proper support. There is nothing more common among gardeners than old wives tales and how the believers will defend them in the face of new research.

  • ademink
    17 years ago

    Well, it ain't no wives tale that I got burned in a lot of trades. Ergo, this fool will part with her money when she is face to face with a hosta. LOL ;)

  • luv_hostas
    17 years ago

    I have to agree with everyone above. I have been trading with folks I met right here on the Hosta Forum since 1998 and I have never been cheated, nor have I intentionally cheated anyone else. I have even replaced plants that did not survive at my trader's garden. Almost all of my trades from the past couple of years have been with people like myself who have large collections and we trade safely among ourselves. However I am alway open for meeting new trading partners. The worst thing that has happened is a few times getting plants that were mislabled.

    I now have over 430 plants in my collection, most of them coming by trades. I also have over 230 plants on my trade list for this spring, so send me an email.


  • ademink
    17 years ago

    Just to clarify...I'm not referring to anyone on this forum!

  • esther_opal
    17 years ago

    Just to clarify...I'm not referring to anyone on this forum!

    Just to will talk about others, not here, behind their backs? So, if we trade and I hose you then you will only talk about me if I leave the forum and I must stay until you die to avoid being revealed.

  • ademink
    17 years ago

    In re-stating my trading stance, I will quote myself (something I know you are fond of doing):

    "Though I can't say I'd never trade again, I will definitely be VERY select."

    If I said "Babsy Bigbutt totally hosed me by not giving me the correctly ID'd plant she said she was going to give me. If you want her name, DOB and SS#, I'd be happy to post it here!!!", then in fear.

    Additionally, if I had initiated a slanderous conversation then would be in danger of me stalking you on this board forever, esther, wanting to know why you sent me one dried up eye of newt instead of one fluffy fresh eye of Montana Macrophylla. LOL

    However, take heart! You need not die here on Gardenweb! We will not need to use your ashes as sterilized starting medium! I named no names and pointed no fingers. I merely shared my opinions as requested - no matter how annoying - and will continue to do so.

    Let's be and ken would be incredibly bored if you didn't have me to make fun of all of the time whilst I wile the day away trying to come up with more dumb questions for you. :)

    Prodigal Daughter

  • esther_opal
    17 years ago

    Ada you are to much fun.

  • hostasformez4
    Original Author
    17 years ago

    Everyone calm down please!!!

    I never ment that I was going to talk badly about the person I plan to trade with if I was not happy with the hostas they provided!

    I should have said I plan on meeting my exchange partner in person at a preplanned spot and we will then share with each other our prerequested hosta!

    We have sent many e-mails getting our choises to each other,long lists,too young yet to divide, eliminating dupulicates, etc., and are still not to the final choises yet. Division numbers and size of mature hosta are being taken into account. We will have no hidden problems as we are taking care of that before hand. I am looking forward to meeting this person very much and hope to have them as a friend who will want to exchange more hostas in the future.

    When I started this post I never ment any harm to any one, any where! I Hope I have been able to clear up any misunderstanding I may have caused by not explaining what we two exchangers have planned.

    As I said before, I choose not to order on line or trade on line at this stage in my hosta gathering. To all of you who do, good luck with your buys or trades!


  • newhostaaddict
    17 years ago

    i have NEVER understood why people only want to share the "good news" about trades ,,,,and life in general...

    BUT don't want to hear the "Bad" there no compassion in people anymore???,,,

    last year...when i got "Taken" by a couple of "Crumbs"....i got more emails from people telling me to "Shut up" and get on with my life....and NOT try to warn others so they could be spared ....

    i must admit,,,,i STILL don't get it....

    and i DID post about the several people i had good dealings with also....and i will still be mailing plants to others,,,so i guess i have gotten on with it......Sort of..


  • Teresa_MN
    17 years ago

    Jill - If people are really ripping off GW members it should be known. Maybe not right to post it here but I email people on the side if someone is not an honest dealer. Why let someone else get burned if you did? There are many people I'm am fond of here and I would not want them to have a bad experience with someone that I had one with.

    BTW - have you heard that Hell, MI is not the place to go for hostas?

    lol, Teresa

  • newhostaaddict
    17 years ago

    THanks,,,teresa...You,,,of course,,,ARE one of the good ones...

    And,,,i was going to post earlier that someone needs to drop off some "Praying Hands" there....but i was "Afraid"...thanks for the courage,,,,

    i don't like the i'm pretty sure i would avoid going there....


  • newhostaaddict
    17 years ago i wanted half of that under another thread...

    going to shut up now....


  • esther_opal
    17 years ago

    last year...when i got "Taken" by a couple of "Crumbs"....i got more emails from people telling me to "Shut up" and get on with my life....and NOT try to warn others so they could be spared ..

    I restate my position, do want to trade and fall short of Jill's expectations?

  • newhostaaddict
    17 years ago

    omg...esther....WHAT are you talking about.....?????????

    i had 2 trades where i received NOTHING....i GUESS my EXPECTATIONS were to get my end of my trades...


  • Hosta_Haven
    17 years ago

    I, for one, believe we are all here (on this forum) to support each other...during positive AND negative events/experiences.

    While I agree that names should not be mentioned on this forum (and I have not seen that done thus far), I would WANT to be privately emailed and warned of a disreputable trader if a Hosta Forum friend saw me about to make a trade with one on the "Exchanges" side of this forum.


  • playinmud
    17 years ago

    "Old wives tales."

    You probably believe in global warming as well...go science.

  • esther_opal
    17 years ago

    I'm saying I don't want to trade with anyone and have negative post or private emails passed around about my trade.

    How can it happen?
    I don't know what the size of the plant you expect so I ship what I think is fair. You don't like it so you send private emails about our trade.
    I have a mislabeled plant and send it.
    It gets lost in the mail.
    It dies in shipment.

    I see the system like an auction, you bid plant X or money and you get plant Y, the deal is done. Both have the same chance of disappointment. Now an opinion about the value of the deal is reached. Based on this opinion emails may ensue. I would take the chance on disappointment but not having my good name banted about over plants that will grow if thrown on the driveway.

    Your position is to expose hose.

    Mine is a lady never exposes too much hose!

    And my position has nothing to do with you (Jill).

  • ademink
    17 years ago

    My hose makes me cuss. I'm not sure what position that is but it is the bane of my gardening existence! lol

  • esther_opal
    17 years ago

    I'm not sure what position that is but it is the bane of my gardening existence! lol

    Don't know if I've told you this story, I took a pair of old hose and filled them with soil and planted a hosta. Then suspended in my water feature stream, it grew there for years. It looked like a polished river stone and I would tell people the hosta was growing out of a rock and have them feel the rock and watch when they reacted to the soft feel.

  • ademink
    17 years ago

    LOL - sounds like a fun party trick! I'll have to try it in my waterfall!

  • esther_opal
    17 years ago

    I think I've posted pictures of the hosta I planted bare roots in the stream. Just lifted a rock and let the roots dangle in the stream.
    The plants you see on the edge have no dirt or soil of any type,

    The hosta you see on the left of the waterfall is 'Green Eyes' that Herb Benedict dug for me in his yard.

    This is another shot of the stream with several hosta growing in the water.

  • ademink
    17 years ago

    Love it! It's just gorgeous w/ the Indiana sandstone (correct?) and the hosta and conifers - very natural looking! I'm curious long your stream is, what the size of the pond at the bottom is and if you are only using a biofalls for filtration.

    Don't you also have a cave on your property? How many acres do you have?

    First cup of coffee has kicked in and my brain just woke up. LOL

  • esther_opal
    17 years ago

    Then you may remember photos of the log cabin we live in, the Indiana sandstone was picked up on the property and whole idea is try to look natural.

    The stream is about 30 ft and the upper pond is about 15 ft and lower pond is about 30 ft.

    These steps are our attempt to make them look like a natural outcrop.


    Notice the sandstone on the room addtion to the right, old log cabin on the left, those beautiful jap maples in the foreground may be dead.


  • hostasformez4
    Original Author
    17 years ago

    With the freezing weather all over the US, lots of us are concerned about our trees and shrubs that could have been leafed out before it started. Only time will tell if this strange weather has killed or just set them back. We are having snow here in IL. as I write this.

    Your landscaping is so natural looking E-O. Nice pictures.

    What do you do with the hosta in your stream during the winter?


  • esther_opal
    17 years ago

    What do you do with the hosta in your stream during the winter?


    Nothing, live or die a little like Ken's driveway. I like the look but it is also part of my on going work on hosta and water needs, etc.

  • ademink
    17 years ago

    JMs Dead??? Seriously? I didn't know that and have 6 of them. I figured they would just get new leaves. Oh great. My largest red one was covered and appears to have made it but my 2 viridis and 3 smaller reds weren't covered. If they die, I will be seriously P.O.'d that I didn't cover them. *rolling eyes*

    Yes, I definitely remember your cabin - love it! It's all beautiful and a great enhancement to the natural beauty that is already there.

    How large is your cave? Is it "spelunkable"?

    I grew a hosta bareroot in my biofalls one summer and it grew very well. It was an undulata and it "went ugly" long after the other that were in the ground.

  • esther_opal
    17 years ago

    The cave can be found on cave sites as BryantÂs cave. It is one of the longest in Indiana, its been mapped about 5 miles. We have spelunkerÂs camp in the yard and spend all night caving. It is very pristine and we only allow real spelunkers access.

    You asked about biofilter, which is what I think I have. It has the little poly pieces inside this about 2ft by 3ft box.

    I cut a piece of blue board insulation to fit the top then cut holes to suspend pots in the water. They hung down about 3 inches into the water. I left them there 3 years 24/7 365, they never showed the normal summer heat demise. A couple were ÂWide Brim but I donÂt remember the other 2. Try a plant that has reasonable sun tolerance, my filter has a lot of sun so it was a good test.

  • ademink
    17 years ago

    Well, Josh isn't a real spelunker so I won't let him in the cave - though he's dying to go. LOL

    Yes, sounds like you have a biofilter. If you clean it out and it smells like poop...that's it. hehe Interesting way to "mount" them...I'm going to try it. They should be very happy w/ the ready fertilization. I have some Gold Standard hostas that are extras...I'll slap them in there.

  • esther_opal
    17 years ago

    I wonder how fertile the water is after it comes out of the filter? Try potting and bare root? Try adding fert to one potted plant and not to another, would be good information.

  • ademink
    17 years ago

    I still think it's loaded w/ fish crap. My biofilter isn't large enough for the gallonage of my pond (est. 16,000) so we get green water soon after it gets warm. We are installing a bead filter in the next month so after it goes in, I'll experiment w/ it. Otherwise, it seems that the baseline wouldn't be accurate.

  • hostasformez4
    Original Author
    17 years ago

    E-O, There will be lots of us who will try your method of putting bare roots hosta in our stream beds. I can visualize how mine will look right now and the thought helps me get through my having to wait for this weather to leave and spring to finally start again.

    Thanks for the idea.


  • esther_opal
    17 years ago

    Guess it goes without saying that I put rocks to anchor the hosta in the stream in a way that the crown wasn't under water.

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