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Hoya lacunosa propogation

Hi. I purchased a blooming-size lacunosa about a month ago. It was freezing out and this vendor does not use heat paks. The plant really suffered during transit. Thid vendor also does not refund or replace plants. It was shipped out of the pot. I potted it in a 4" pot, but in hindsight, the potting soil was too heavy and didn't drain well. The roots started to rot and the plant was looking like it was hanging by a thread. I repotted it in a much lighter mix and in a 3" pot. I also took several cuttings. I followed propogation technique - moist perlite, dixie cups with drainage holes in moistened perlite, rooting hormone. The cuttings are tented in plastic and in bright/indirect sunlight. I'm concerned because there is no condensation at all inside the bag, so I don't think it's humid enough. Also, when do I water again over the next 4-6 weeks? I don't know what the heck I am doing, and I really do not want to lose these babies. I'm worried about over-watering and also about letting the cuttings dry too much because I am water gun shy after what happened to the original plant. Any help and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Liz

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