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Wish me well, checking into rehab...

16 years ago

It's now time. I've hit rock bottom at last, and I can't find anyone willing to enable me with my addiction anymore. I've fallen lower than Amy Winehouse. I'm suffering from shakes, seizures, shivers and shimmies - violent withdrawal symptoms as my brain and body go through a heart wrenching detox.

For the last time today, I walked in my garden to get my fix of daylilies. There were only two, 'Light Years Away' and some old short statured, late bloomer whose name I forget, which I observed avidly, shaking, but within minutes I needed to see more. Alas, there was only foliage and dried out stems on the horizon.


In a last ditch, not pun intended, last ditch effort to find daylilies, I found myself scouring the GardenWeb forum, a safe injection site, for pictures from other addicts late gardens. I only found a few; soon enough, I found myself eying more daylilies on a very dangerous place known as the daylily auction, where many friends and acquaintances are grasping with the horrors of seedmaniatis, elbowing each other out of their last pennies in order to get the purest, best quality seeds for next years garden.

PLEASE DO NOT ENABLE ME. Do not post more pictures of daylilies. OK. One last one. I'll take one last one. Then it's rehab, also known as winter.

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