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How to keep my mint from spreading

18 years ago

My mint bed has the house on the north side, the steps into the house on the west side, the sidewalk up to the steps on the south side, and a narrow, two foot wide strip on the east that faces my lawn. I planted the mint, originally, on the west side.

But you know that the mint is now invading the lawn and is dead on the west side. Because... well, that's what mint does. So I'm putting nasturtiums on the west side and need to wall off the lawn so the mint can't get out there. What should I use? I have some bricks lying around that I could use (3"x3"x8"), but should they just go right on top of the dirt, or would I have to dig them in an inch or two? Would the mint plants send runners over the top or under the bottom anyway? Do I need to use something more extreme, like sheet metal or a plastic landscaping barrier?

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