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Monday & Tuesday blooms

Julia WV (6b)
12 years ago

A few more that have opened...

CAVE CREEK CANYON - Lambertson - this one gave me heartburn this season. Did not increase and in fact looked half dead in May. Thought I would lose it but here it goes and starts blooming.



HALF MOON KEY - Petit - Blooms well above the foliage, lots of buds and scapes but doesn't like cool mornings. The blooms here SO FAR are more in the range of 5" instead of the registered 6".


SMALL WORLD PURPLE PROFUSION - Miller - A nice tiny bloom, but this is not 36" scapes. More like 20. Good branching, many buds.


WEB OF INTRIGUE- Stamile - it has gone into bloom overload.


ENTER LAUGHING - Mason - the multiple bloom opening looks so good


SEVENTY TIME SEVEN - Emmerich - blooms well above the foliage, many scapes and buds.


My side garden bed is really filling in quickly. As soon as the front beds start to fill with more blooms, I'll post the daylily beds.

And since you all post pics of your pets and I don't have any cats or dogs (just those from the neighbors that come and like to run in the fields)here is our newest visitor which is a Snapping Turtle. Imagine my surprise when I went to open our side door of the garage and saw this lying there. He has been lying there all day trying to shield itself from the hot sun.He is big.

OR how about a fox? This was in my sister yard across the road from our place.

That is it for tonight. Hopefully some new daylilies will be blooming tomorrow.


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